West Salem High School National Honor Society decorated their annual giving tree to kick off the holiday season. This year the tree held 175 tags of gift cards for families who are in need of extra help during the holiday season.
The giving tree is a tree located in the Library Media Center where any club, class, or homeroom can pick a tag off the tree to donate a gift card. With this it allows for everyone to give back and help out members of our own community with just a pick of gift cards. NHS member Signe Roesler says, “I love that we do a giving tree here at West Salem because it is such an easy way for our students to give back to others.”
The giving tree isn’t just for the high school, but for the whole district. Members from the Elementary and MIddle school are welcome to come over and select a tag off the tree. “Student services does a lot of the work to make the giving tree run successfully,” says NHS advisor Ms. Stenberg. “We just work in the middle to keep everything as confidential as possible.” The selected gift card is due back in Mrs. Stenberg’s room by Thursday, December 14th. As of the due date for the tags there were no tags left on the tree.