“Hannah Montana The Movie” by Miley Cyrus, Billy Rae Cyrus, and Steve Rushton
The songs included in this album are from Hannah Montana The Movie. This film and the music included follow the journey of a teenage girl named Miley Stewart. Unlike most teens, she has a secret pop star persona called Hannah Montana. The music does a great job of capturing her return to her Tennessee hometown.
The purpose of listening to this album is to listen for appreciation. These songs are easy to appreciate when following the plot of this upbeat movie. Our goal is to listen for enjoyment, which does not require high levels of cognitive commitment. After listening to the songs of this album, one will appreciate a good tune and lyrics. It is easy to get caught passively listening. People can miss out on engaging and impactful events to only absorb what was said. Active listening requires a higher degree of attention. If the listener can do that, it will allow them to relate to the song’s message more effectively. Listeners should evaluate Miley’s lyrics opening up about her journey of self-realization.
Overall, I strongly encourage people to listen to this playlist. Not only do these songs have a great rhythm, but the lyrics carry far greater meaning. Hearing is different than listening. Hearing is capturing the sound while listening dives deeper and interprets the message. A song featured in the album, “The Climb”, emphasizes the journey and not the destination. The listener can learn from her experiences and look at past events of their lives. Miley demonstrates risk-taking and getting out of one’s comfort zone all while singing to a great beat. I hope to leave the listeners with the mindset that our next steps are for us to decide.